Versatile Options

Versatile Options

As one of the most popular and versatile pallet racking options on the market, selective pallet racking offers immediate access to every load, which provides efficient use of your warehouse floor space with minimal loading and unloading time. If your warehouse has a wide variety of products, you’ll enjoy the benefits of direct access to stored loads without moving others, easy stock control with one-pallet positioning, and load flexibility in weight and volume. Get started with selective pallet racking from Lift, Incorporated by calling any of your locations or requesting a quote online now.

Order Lift, Inc. Selective Pallet Racking Today

Order Lift, Inc. Selective Pallet Racking Today

Selective pallet racking system layouts can vary depending on your facility requirements; a common layout includes single rows placed at the walls with back-to-back rows placed in between. If you’re interested in this arrangement or a custom build for your warehouse, then contact Lift, Inc. or visit any of our Pennsylvania locations to discuss your options in person with our warehouse product professionals during open business hours.

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